This Is What A Covidiot Looks Like By now everyone has seen the clip from the Palm Beach County hearings on mandatory masking to prevent the spread of Covid 19. I am breaking this down in an attempt to find a very thin thread of logic in any of these anti-maskers. This is so far off the sanity curve it's lost trajectory and is hurtling into the sun. You can't make this up! Here goes. Read and enjoy and share this until we all end up as desperados in Facebook jail: (1) Ever wonder what 'oversharing' was? This is oversharing. There are parts of your body that should not be 'aired' in public. Ever. No, I do not care if it needs to breathe, you need to cover the kitty. However, it does bring to attention the woeful state of basic first aid training, mine included, as I have no idea what I should do should I find someone lying on the sidewalk with gasping sounds coming from their nether regions. What would one do?...