
Showing posts from June, 2020

This Is What A Covidiot Looks Like

Image By now everyone has seen the clip from the Palm Beach County hearings on mandatory masking to prevent the spread of Covid 19. I am breaking this down in an attempt to find a very thin thread of logic in any of these anti-maskers. This is so far off the sanity curve it's lost trajectory and is hurtling into the sun. You can't make this up! Here goes. Read and enjoy and share this until we all end up as desperados in Facebook jail: (1) Ever wonder what 'oversharing' was? This is oversharing. There are parts of your body that should not be 'aired' in public. Ever. No, I do not care if it needs to breathe, you need to cover the kitty. However, it does bring to attention the woeful state of basic first aid training, mine included, as I have no idea what I should do should I find someone lying on the sidewalk with gasping sounds coming from their nether regions. What would one do?...

Finding Private Guillen

The more things change, the more they stay the same. PFC Vanessa Guillen has been missing for two months. The details surrounding her disappearance are sketchy at best. Her wallet, ID card, and car keys were found where she had been working earlier. Her car was still in the parking lot and her cell phone was missing and still hasn't turned up. As far as I know, PFC Guillen was never listed as AWOL. I suspect there will be a glaringly obvious reason for this when and if she is ever located. She would have been declared AWOL by someone in her chain of command, someone who knows damned well she's not AWOL. Y'all remember when Chandra Levy went missing? How there was 24/7 news coverage for weeks, mostly due to allegations she had been having an affair with a married congressman old enough to be her daddy. Do you remember Natalee Ann Holloway? She disappeared on a senior trip to Aruba. Again, wall to wall news coverage. The same thing happened when...

One Soldier Found, One Still Missing

Private Gregory Morales was last seen driving his 2018 black KIA Rio outside of the army post on Aug. 19, 2019.  His remains were found yesterday, in a field off post. There is an ongoing investigation into his death.  The kid was due to get out of the army in a few days. That alone was reason enough not to go AWOL. There is an ongoing investigation into the cause of death.   That leaves one soldier still missing, PFC Vanessa Guillen. The commander of Third Cavalry has also launched an investigation into sexual harassment allegations made by her family. According to the Colonel, he takes such allegations very seriously. Sorry, sir,  you are day late and a dollar short. Its two months after her disappearance and you still don't know what happened. Since I'm a civilian now, sir, let me be the first to tell you all you are doing is pissing in the wind. You want to find your man, you need to listen to the old Swampwitch because she's going to give you ...

Justice for Vanessa

Meet PFC Vanessa Guillen. She was stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas until she disappeared over a month ago. Her mother, in an interview with a Spanish news station said the following: " Her mom spoke with a Spanish news station, she said she knew something was wrong with her daughter. She begged her to tell her and she finally told her mother t hat she was sexually assaulted by an NCO. Her mother told her to report him and she replied “I can’t, many have and nothing has been done.” “If I report him I will be in danger” her mom asked for his name but she wouldn’t give it to her. She told her mom I will take care of it and then she went missing." "If I report him I will be in danger". No truer words were ever spoken.  They killed her. Years from now they will dig up her remains while excavating for new construction. by then it will be too late. What people do not understand is that EVERY day the military releases sexual predators into the civilian world with no w...

Yeah, righ....

This is scary. Y'all know Trump has already asked who the longest-serving president was, and why. And we know he asked because he sure as hell isn't going to look up the information himself, as that would require reading. Every American paying attention in history class knows the answer. FDR not only pulled us out of a worldwide depression, he saw us through a war threatening to destroy civilization. There were a few problems with that scenario. We had a strong economy and thanks to a lot of behind the scene ef forts we were slowly winning the war on terror and bringing our troops back home and thanks to the presence of NATO, the Soviet Union was behaving itself. The first thing Trump does is alienate every European ally we have by cozying up to Russian dictator Vladamir Putin. Then he does everything but rent out our soldiers, sailors, and Marines to the highest bidder, in this case, the Saudi Arabian Royal Family. He inherited a strong economy from Barack Obama. He couldn...

Today, Facebook reminded me.....

Every so often the Facebook 'memories' app reminds me of things I'd just as soon forget. This was one of them. On June 12, 2016 a madman with his own agenda opened fire in a nightclub in Orlando. By the time he was brought down by police, 49 people were dead and 53 were wounded in the worse mass shooting in modern America. The record didn't stand very long. On October 1, 2017, another gunman fired on a crowded concert venue in Las Vegas, killing 58 and injuring over 500. Now it's four years later and we have people dying from a pandemic the president once publically declared to be deep state hoax perpetrated by the Democrats to make him look bad. The same president who marched across Layfette Square for a photo op at a church he doesn't attend while holding a  book he's never read with a battalion's worth of Secret Service and American soldiers at his back after these same troops had dispersed a crowd of people demanding justice for a black man killed...

I Should Have Been There

This was from Sierra Vista's Black Lives Matter March. I should have been there. Except I'm 60 years old and I walk with a cane. Back pain would have had me sidelined before I got half a block. At my age, it seems like I've become a liability to peaceful protest. I am a disabled veteran. I put the uniform on tried to serve this country to the best of my ability. Turns out I wasn't good soldier material. I asked too many questions and had a tendency to balk when asked to do something stupid. This week I have seen my cohorts from Fort Bragg be deployed against civilians at behest of a president with shady ties to foreign governments. A leader who is going down in history as the new King of the Bunker Bitches, or should I say, bunker inspectors? The scary p...