
I'm In The Jailhouse Now....

Well, hell's bells. I am in Facebook jail. Why? They got me for violating community standards. I posted a photograph in reply to another post. That post was similar to this: Can I get a thousand likes for our beautiful first lady? This was my reply: Don't forget this one! This got me 24 hours in Facebook jail. So much for free speech. All I did was post a photo of our uber classy first 'lady' in all her surgically enhanced glory and I end up in Facebook jail.  I went scrolling through my newsfeed looking for 'offensive' photographs. Like this one:  Not a violation of community standards if you are looking forward to a future in a dystopian nightmare. Nudes are out, swastikas are in.  My Daddy would not approve.  Piss off, Facebook community standards wankers.  176   days ,  14   hours ,  46   minutes Tick-tock, motherfucker, your time is up!

An Army of Murdered Soldiers

PFC LaVena Johnson died in Iraq.  The official version is she died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound from an M16 after becoming depressed from a breakup. Her father called bullshit and demanded access to the autopsy photographs. When Dr. Johnson finally received photos from the crime scene and LaVena’s autopsy, he observed abrasions to the face, burns on her body, a broken nose, bite marks, knocked out teeth, and signs of sexual abuse, including acid burns to her genitals – details not mentioned in the autopsy report. The 5'1" African-American honor student   enlisted in the Army immediately after graduating from  Hazelwood Central High School . She was deployed to Iraq and stationed in  Balad . She had been there for eight weeks before her death on July 19, 2005, eight days before her 20th birthday. Fast forward to April 22, 2020.  Specialist Vanessa Guillen disappeared from the arms room at Fort Hood, Texas.  What the rest of the worl...

It's Starting

It's started already, the victim blaming. Betsy Schoeller, a former Wisconsin Air National Guard officer, posted comments on Facebook about Guillen’s death, saying sexual harassment is the price of admission for women in the military and “if you’re gonna cry like a snowflake about it, you’re gonna pay the price." Women veterans read this and get ready to relive the nightmares. It's been over 40 years since WAC was disbanded and women were integrated into all aspects of the military. Those of us who were there at the beginning are wondering if what we went through to get even a tiny amount of respect made any difference. We were on the front lines of the battle and we sure as hell didn't have family members as vocal as Specialist Guillen. We filled out questionnaires, we did surveys, we talked to all sorts of people about all sorts of things. Our responses were to be used to make the lives of the women enlisting after us better. I don't think they listene...

Doggies are the best!

Still feeling angry. Still feeling blue. Time to dispense some negativity and post pictures of my doggie.... Bali-Boo aka The Chairman of the Board Am I not just too darn cute? Put away the camera, I am trying to nap.... My friend the humpy pillow. This is what I think about amateur photography.

Bali-Boo and the Luna Bear

I am tired of posting bad things. Here are photos of  Bali-Boo, my four-pound Chihuahua and his girlfriend Luna Bear the neighbor's Shepherd/Yellow Lab mix.

Still The Same Army

( From a Facebook post on July 7, 2018 ) Yesterday was the celebration for the Buffalo Soldiers. It's one of the parades I don't want to miss. There are lots of horses and nice bikes. This year was a little different. This year the Buffalo Soldiers were honoring women in the military and women veterans. There was a group from Ft Huachuca marching. They looked so young, most of them low ranking recruits. They have no idea what is about to happen to them. They are young and innocent and for now, the military is an exciting new experience. These kids are getting to do things and see things that most people can't even imagine. They are getting to see and use the latest and greatest technology. Eventually, these young soldiers will be assigned to field units. I enlisted during that wonderful era , shortly after the old WAC was disbanded and the military started assigning women to traditionally all-male units. At my first duty station, there were four women in the c...

The Bonnie Blue Confederacy

Once people read and studied history. Once those same people weren't clueless ignoramuses with no breeding or upbringing. Now a bunch of idiots ignorant in both history and culture has usurped the wrong flag, the wong history, and the wong anthem that goes along with it. It would be funny if it wasn't so damned pathetic. This, boys and girls, is the Wiki entry on the Bonnie Blue Flag of the Confederacy. The amusing thing about this? North Carolina has been flying this for years and NO ONE HAS NOTICED! It would be funny if it wasn't so damned pathetic. Read and learn, morons, read and learn. I am from Mississippi. I was brought up under the confederate battle flag. I have heard the War of Northern Aggression re-fought more times than I can count. Nothing like growing up reading bumper stickers that read 'Save those Confederate dollars, the South wi...